![]() We still tend to think about mindfulness as a practice for adults only. BUT there are plenty of studies that prove the benefits for kids too. You don't have to be an expert or have any special skills to teach children mindfulness. It does help to have the right tools at your disposal :) All you really need is your voice, your presence, and your love. Basically you got to be mindful too! Let’s talk about the a few benefits of creating mindful activities and exercises! A big one being neuroplasticity; increasing the ability of the brain to rewire itself, by creating new pathways that makes us more flexible, mentally. Learning mindfulness has also been found to have significant effects on the brain functioning of children; from helping regulate their stress and emotions to building character, and encouraging resiliency. As well as allowing children a sense of self, emotions or interpersonal interactions to develop at their natural pace throughout life. It's been also proven to help kids with certain symptoms such as ADHD and dyslexia to be more attentive, engaged, organized and relaxed in school. How to Introduce Mindfulness to children. Breathing techniques have always been a fun way to involve, challenge and engage in mindfulness breathing. Creating certain breathing routines that you can practice together, right before leaving to school, before play dates or even as you run errands, is a very successful way to get your kids in the habit of breathing consciously. A lot of kids feel encouraged to resort back to these breathing techniques whenever they feel overwhelmed and you are not around. This plays into developing mechanisms that they can practice anytime and anywhere. There are also, many mindful games, workbooks and activities that have been put together to offer practical tools that can be used regularly. To me, the activity that is the most successful is the one your kids feel most drawn too. That maybe coloring a mandala book, it maybe jumping into balancing yoga poses, or it maybe an interactive game where we express gratitude and observations. My personal favorite way to introduce mindfulness is through stories! I find that children tend to associate and remember better when things are received in story form. Having a character they relate to, that practices mindfulness can be an effective way at bringing mindfulness into your children’s world. For example; Maya the Mindful Monkey; follows the story of a relaxed Maya who practices conscious breathing, among a group of restless monkeys. When a new monkey, Max comes along, he is overwhelmed with emotions as he tries to fit into this new place. Luckily Maya guides him through a breathing technique that helps him settle and feel more confident. Written in rhyming verse, this story maybe a fun way to introduce these mindful methods and make it easy for your kids to remember them. Whenever you see your children handling their emotions with ease, articulating their thoughts without frustration, relaxed in their sense of self. Mindfulness is what is happening here. This ability to find ease in everything we do, with anyone we interact with, in any place we may be, is a muscle we can practice, and eventually control. When we are mindful we allow room for life to speak to us and through us. When we are mindful, we are relaxed in the moment, as it is. When we are mindful, we are present. What better way to teach our kids to be present, then to be present ourselves. Stay mindful.
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In its simplest form, meditation is a practice that has been around for over 3,000 years. It is a state of intense focus that most people achieve by sitting still, focusing on their breath or repeating a word or phrase, silently, to themselves over and over. A lot of people have the wrong idea about meditation; "I can't stop my thoughts, I can't sit still, I can't stay silent, etc.." It may feel like a distant unrealistic practice reserved only to those who aren't busy or stressed. To me, meditation is a mental exercise that is used to calm the mind and body. Take a moment, right now as you read this, to shift your attention on your breath. Notice the air as it enters your nostrils, is it warm? cool? what does this sensation feel like? how intense is the pressure coming in? Observe that same air, as it leaves your body, is your exhale slow? fast? Just by doing this simple exercise you are shifting your awareness. Meditation allows us to shift awareness and practice maintaining that state of awareness. This powerful tool consistently creates more clarity, focus and gets us in touch with creativity. Creating a healthy relationship with our mind; giving us the opportunity to make clear decisions, navigate unpleasant emotions and stay calm in the face of the hardest storms. This practice of shifting awareness has the ability to shift the internal state of your mind and body. Meditation techniques have been recognized to be so effective that they are being used in schools, hospitals and other places to help people with their mental health. On top of helping manage stress, anxiety, and depression; many studies show a direct link between meditation and better sleep. As well as being associated to lower levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline and an increase in serotonin- an important chemical for mood regulation. Suggesting Meditation not only benefits the mind, but the body as well. If you are ready to try meditation but not so sure how to get started, see the suggested basic techniques that can be done, anywhere, anytime. Just find a quiet space, set a timer and surrender. - Focused breathing: observe your breathing pattern for a few minutes and tune into any sensations in your body. - Mantra meditation: repeat a mantra or prayer in your mind to help clear your thoughts during meditation. - Mindful walking: a technique where you focus on the sensations that arise from each step while walking, rather than external stimuli. - Guided meditation: try a guided meditation, from breath work to visualization, this can encourage you to let go with out worrying about time or losing yourself in thought. Ultimately, the best way to meditate is to find a technique that works for you. You can try different techniques and see what feels right, as there are many ways to meditate. The most important thing is that you find what makes you feel good, so you reap the benefits of this incredible practice. JOIN US FOR GUIDED MEDITATIONS![]() You may have heard of journaling as a tool, a way of keeping track of your progress, a way of expressing. And you may have heard, journaling isn't for everyone, I beg to differ! Journaling is a practice, like anything in life, you want to get good at; you practice. What I mean by getting good at journaling, is getting value from this practice. There is tremendous power in being able to articulate your thoughts, your feelings, your situation and being able to lay out "information". This allows space for perspective, and a unique look back at moments in your life that seemed important. But how do I journal? what do journal about? do I write about my day, my goals? do I write about the past, the future, my emotions? do I document what I did or want to do? Let me keep this super simple: just write. Write. The whole idea is to just go for it, this is why I find journaling a good practice for life, it takes out the idea of "trying" and instead you lean into doing. So write about anything and everything. Set yourself up for success by allowing this practice to blend into your lifestyle, have a pen/ journal ready, find a quiet time/ space, there is no minimum time or maximum time, there is the time that works for you. Sometimes I start the day with my journal, finding gratitude for all there is and setting goals for my day or week. Other times, I'm in the need for a brain dump and journaling right before I sleep takes out all the unnecessary chatter in my head, giving me a clear mind before bed. To me, the most important thing about journaling is that it is a practice of presence. When you journal there is no where your mind goes but into what you are doing right now. So write because it is a release, write because you will start to understand yourself more intimately, write to practice presence. Journaling and writing resources Questions? [email protected] *All products can be found on Amazon and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Generally speaking, the most common areas for pain are neck, shoulders and back.
Let's talk about your back! There are many reasons for back pain, be it an old injury or a new sensation in your body resulting from too much pressure, or you've been using your back to compensate for your core. Knowing the root cause of the pain is essential to creating a solution. With that in mind, below are some tips to help navigate the pain and relief stress/ tension in your back, and also your body. 1- RESTORATIVE YOGA: Give yourself 20 minutes, morning or evening to gently move your body with focus on the fascia, this yoga flow helps stretch, decompress and decrease inflammation.
2- FOAM ROLLER: This is a great tool to have on deck. Foam rolling has been proven to be beneficial for the back, legs and even lengthens the spine. It's a major decompressor and needs a little bit of technique to practice. Keep your heels down and hands behind your head to support your neck as you foam, avoid foaming the low back, focus on the mid and upper back. You might hear a few cracks as your spine releases.
3-ACUPRESSURE MAT: Mimicking acupressure points, this nifty tool will surprise you. Definitely a little uncomfortable to lay on. Once you lean into the discomfort you'll start to reap the benefits; getting tingly sensations all around the back and neck. Improves circulation in the back and helps release tension.
4- BLOCKS: Not only do they work amazingly at enhancing your yoga practice, blocks can assist in supporting your back while you work to relax specific muscles in and around the area. Go to poses; for low back pain is supported bridge pose with a block. For mid back pain, fish pose with two blocks placed in a t shape one along your spine and one supporting your head. Your back will thank you!
Take time for these practices and you will yourself more in touch with your body, more in sync with your mind and more at peace with your back.
Questions? [email protected] *All products can be found on Amazon and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Are you just getting into yoga? Maybe you've been practicing for quite some time, or you are actively looking for ways to advance your practice. Either way the tools we use in our practice, can enhance our yoga experience, whether it's helping us get into a pose, relax deeper into the moment or just offer overall support.
As a yoga teacher with over 8 years of experience teaching hot yoga, beginner yoga, restorative yoga, vinyasa and leading teacher trainings. I've tried tons of products and included my favortites in this article that I use almost regularly, either to enhance my personal practice or to customize my clients yoga practice. *All products can be found on Amazon and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. ESSENTIALS AND MOREMATS
Some great options for consistent yoga students, all three have great grip. The Prolite is great for travelling as it's relatively lighter than the Pro. The Pro is great for hot yoga or if you sweat alot. If you are just starting out Gaiam is a solid option.
Blocks are my favorite things to use and teach with. The Manduka cork has a great feel to it, though a little heavy. The Gaiam is the most standard in terms of weight and texture. Reehut's are realitvely thinner than the rest and super light.
To anyone scared to go upside down, these inversion benches can really change that. All three work well on making you feel super supported, it's a matter of budget on which one you decide.
Yoga balls can be amazing at assisting you in maintaining better posture, up leveling your work outs and adding creative stretches to your day. I recommend finding the ideal one for your needs as each come with some extra props.
Clients love these! They are great at enhancing your yoga practice and using for assitance in deepening stretches or poses. The basic Gaiam is my go-to but all three work great.
Foam rolling works! Great on upper back, glutes and subsituting a block. All three get the job done, the Grid foam roller tends to push into pressure points, giving a different sensation when you roll than they other two options. Though you can glide easier on those.
Questions? www.yogibandits.com
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